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Camp Rainbow (2011)

The idea of organizing the first Camp Rainbow came from a group of Singaporean Rotaractors who volunteered to help at a similar camp in Sarawak in 1990. The Singaporean Rotaractors noticed an absence of Singaporean participants because protective parents were unwilling to send their children so far away.The seed of the idea took root, and in 1991, all ten Rotaract Club of Singapore joined forces to organise Camp Rainbow. They chose this name because their idea was “to add a Rainbow of Colours to the otherwise grey outlook of children stricken with life-threatening or prolonged illness”. The Rotaractors geared up and campaigned for funding and children to attend the camp. Camp Rainbow 1991 took place from June 7 – 9 at the National University of Singapore (NUS), with 44 kids and their befrienders, 12 medical volunteers and 20 other volunteers. The camp was a resounding success, and so began the tradition of Camp Rainbow.

Camp Rainbow is an annual iconic event of Club Rainbow (Singapore) that both CRS children and volunteers look forward to every June.

It is a medically-supervised, stay-in camp for children aged 6 to 16 years old with chronic or life-threatening illnesses. The children have a chance to interact with their peers and befrienders through fun-filled safe activities while their parents get a short respite.

Camp activities are designed to cater to two age groups: primary school age group (between 6 and 12), and secondary school age group (between 13 and 16).

Today, Camp Rainbow continues to foster long-lasting friendships to touch the lives of all children and volunteers.

December 10

Kris Kringle (2011)

July 29

Talent Development (2011)