Register Your Child
Register Your Child
Club Rainbow (Singapore) provides a range of comprehensive support services for families of children who suffer from major chronic and potentially life-threatening illnesses. Club Rainbow serves more than 1,200 children who range from new-born to youth of aged 20 years old. They require frequent visits to hospitals for treatment and undergo complicated therapy and long-term medication.
On the recommendation of their respective doctors, these children are referred to Club Rainbow for follow-up support. By working closely with KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital (KKH), the National University Hospital (NUH) and the neonatal ward of the Singapore General Hospital (SGH), Club Rainbow has been able to reach out and help more than 1,200 children and their families.
To register your child,
please complete the Registration Form below
Download your free copy of the *Caregiver’s Guide.
**This guide is under Fair Use. The purpose of this guide is to consolidate useful information so that it can benefit children with chronic illnesses and their families.
All rights and credits go directly to their rightful owners. No copyright infringement intended.